Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where I've been...

Oh, crap... it's May. Almost June.

After many attempted comebacks, I'm starting yet another one. It's been a while and life has been incredibly busy. The first half of 2009 has been filled with travel, some great projects, and amazing food... here's a mini-scrapbook:

Land of seven moles...

Land of enchantment...

Land of 10,000 lakes...

Land of insanely fabulous cheese...

Land of fabulous food...

Lastly, we've been scrambling to get things done by August. Someone once told me that wedding planning was busy at the beginning, a lull in the middle, and scrambling at the end. I agree, because once we had a venue, we procrastinated like hell.

Now we're scrambling like crazy to get things done... it feels like we're planning the wedding in three months!

In the midst of all of this, I found out that grad school wasn't going to happen this year. I was waitlisted at a couple of schools and finally formally rejected at the end of April. Oh, well... my consolation is another year in beautiful San Diego and another year of fabulous eats.

Let's hope this is the return of semi-regular posting... starting with that long-overdue recap of our Oaxacan adventure.

3 bites:

KirkK said...

Hey GF - I'm so sorry about the grad school thing! On the other hand, it'll be nice to have you posting again. Can't wait to read about your latest eating adventures.

Meandering Eats said...

Awww, I appreciate it, Kirk! I'm pretty determined to see that attempt #2 is the last one, so I'm going to make the most of this year in terms of exploring SD and SD's food.

moowiesqrd said...

Awww, I appreciate it, Kirk! I'm pretty determined to see that attempt #2 is the last one, so I'm going to make the most of this year in terms of exploring SD and SD's food.

3 bites